McDonald’s Sued for Toys

The mother of two children from California (USA) has submitted a lawsuit against McDonald‘s. Monet Parham blames the fast food industry giant of the incorrect use of toys included into the Happy Meal and regards it to be an advertising campaign that violates the rights of consumers.

McDonalds Toys advertising

Taking into account that the problem of childhood obesity in the United States becomes more important, this kind of advertisement, appealing directly to minor children and bypassing their parents, is recognized as “illegal practices”. However, the defendant reacted to the accusations in a specific way. McDonald’s solicitor said it was exclusively the problem and the fault of the plaintiff’s that she could not make her daughter ignore the advertised toys. At the moment, the giant restaurant is being one of the largest distributors of toys. The case is transferred to federal court.

Source of the image: Dailycontributor.