Miscarriage Doesn’t Necessarily Call for Delay

A predominant opinion has it that women who experienced a miscarriage shouldn’t try to conceive again until after some time has passed.

Pregnant woman

This opinion is backed up by World Health Organization whose guidelines advise a six-month pause at the very least between the miscarriage and the next attempt to conceive. According to them, this pause guarantees a much higher possibility of having a healthy pregnancy.

But there’s a recent study in the British Medical Journal that arrives at the opposite conclusion – women who don’t wait but conceive right after the miscarriage run less risks to have another ectopic pregnancy, a second miscarriage or other unhealthy terminations. Lead researcher Sohinee Bhattacharya maintains that “there are no physiological reasons why you should delay.” In her opinion it is wrong to urge women who had a miscarriage to wait for several months before becoming pregnant again.

The study reports that women who conceive in the first six months after the miscarriage show less predisposition towards a premature delivery, a Caesarean birth or giving birth to a low-weight baby in comparison to women who get pregnant after six month passed.

Bhattacharya further says that the risk is linked with the age factor – so women over 35 are urged to try again without waiting for six months to pass.

But a delay becomes a strong necessity if the miscarriage was aggravated by complications of infectious nature, scientists point out.

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