Moms Are Most Stressed out by 8.25 AM Exactly

If you wonder how on earth scientists managed to pin the most stressful period to an exact point in time, see if you will go on wondering by the time you read this article through!

Stressed Mom

Getting the children into their clothes and making it through breakfast topped the list of the most arduous periods in the day of most mothers.

For moms morning means having to wake their kids up, see that they go through the routine motions and are not going to leave things at home, meanwhile trying to get down their own breakfast prior to leaving home. This is quite a handful.

8.25 AM is the time you have to set off if you don’t want to be late… And the study involving 2,000 moms shows that stress that has been on a steady rise during the morning delivers its ultimate sting.

About 40 per cent of mothers confess to feeling so irate that they can bite their children’s heads off at the slightest provocation or slide into an outburst of road rage.

Having to begin their day like this, getting the kids ready and getting them to school, makes moms feel worn out before the day actually starts, points out a representative of Uniroyal, which carried out the research.
And then driving often makes things worse – “…and when you add wet weather into the mix the situation can get dangerous. One in five mums drive the kids to school when it’s raining, when they would normally walk.”

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