Mother of Thirteen Children: I Won’t Stop Until I Have Twins

A mother of thirteen children, who receives £50,000 of taxpayers’ money every year, said she won’t stop until she has twins. ‘Child making machine’, Sara Foss, 39, expects her fourteenth baby in April and will be trying to get pregnant again and again to fulfill her dream.

Pregnant Belly

The mother of thirteen children told the press all she can dream of is having twins or triplets. It’s her heart’s desire and she’ll continue to get pregnant until she gets it. Sarah was 16 when she gave birth to her first baby, Patrick, in 1986. But, traumatized during delivery, she swore not to have any more children. She changed her mind ten years later and gave birth to her second baby boy, Stephen. She’s been having one child a year ever since.

Nevertheless, Sarah, who spent £5,000 on Christmas presents for her children, says they are forced to tighten their belts. Every week the family spends £600 on groceries including 32 loaves of bread, 75 pound of potatoes and 126 pints of milk. The family also buys 36 rolls of toilet tissue, 3 boxes of washing powder and 8 packages of cereals every time they do shopping. £2,000 is paid for school uniform every year. Sara wakes up at 4 a.m. and is busy with her household chores all day.

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