Pole Dancing Classes for 3-Year-Olds

Seeking to break fresh grounds, the UK’s Make Me Fabulous dance studio in Northampton offers a range of activities outside dancing – like meditation, Zumba or pole dancing. The Daily Mail reported on their latest innovative idea to call in pre-teen and teen children for their share of pole dancing in a class named “Little Spinners.”

Kids Pole Dancing

While it may sound somewhat controversial at the first approach, the studio – and class instructor Carly Wilford in particular – are surely out to divest pole dancing of any sexual connotation to which Wilford refers as “stigma.” They invite people to look on the practice as something akin to gym that helps train balance feeling and shape the body in exercises that look more like fun than strain. The new class is described on the studio’s website as a way to teach youngsters to move freely, “lift, spin, climb and fly in a safe and fun environment.” Besides, it is meant to build up their self-esteem.

A different view is harbored, though, within other organizations like anti-bullying charity Kidscape. The purely physical aspect of the class may be laudable for conjoining exercise and games, but – as pointed out by Kidscape’s director Claude Knights – there is a social aspect that cannot be so easily ignored. Some of the movements are definitely raunchy, and the fact that many younger kids aged from 3 to 7 don’t understand their adult significance won’t help if they inadvertently place themselves in a dangerous situation because of the messages their bodies will be sending out.

There are all kinds of fun, after all, and some of them are hardly appropriate for underage kids – does pole dancing belong with these?

Source of the image: Michaelpriceless.