Vitamin D Improves Sperm Quality

Vitamin D which is synthesized by the body under the influence of sunlight is essential for human reproduction, and its deficiency can lead to a decrease in velocity of spermatozoa.


This is the conclusion that the researchers from the University of Copenhagen have reached. They studied the relationship between the number of motile sperm and the level of vitamin D in the blood of the volunteers. The two parameters were evaluated among 300 healthy men who were invited to take part in the study. It turned out that the men whose serum did not have enough vitamin D, had less motile sperm. It also turned out that the stimulation of spermatozoa with activated vitamin D can increase the speed of their movement.

However, the scientists warn that this does not mean that supplements with vitamin D can improve the quality of sperm of men who experience certain problems with conceiving. There is only one recommendation so far: if you want to have better sperm, do not ignore the sun. But get sunburnt with moderation!

For information: the time of safe exposure to the sun without a sunscreen is about 15-20 minutes. Still, the doctors recommend not to go out on the street in summer without having used a cream with SPF for your skin, especially during a vacation on the beach.

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