Woman Allergic to Her Own Pregnancy

This woman was allergic to her own pregnancy and now she has a healthy son. The 26-year-old English woman Andrea McEwan was afraid she would die during pregnancy.

Andrea McEwan with son

During this period, she experienced several severe allergic reactions. She suffered from terrible vomiting, she had to spend three months in hospital, and during that time, Andrea lost almost 18 kg in weight, although one gains weight during pregnancy. By the way, the girl did not suffer from excess weight.

Due to persistent vomiting, her oesophagus was ruptured, and her teeth and gums were also damaged. Andrea suffered from a rare disorder called hyperemesis gravidum (persistent nausea), which looked like an allergic reaction to pregnancy.

A couple of weeks ago, Andrea gave birth to a boy. Kurt at birth weighed about four kilograms. The happy mother, clutching her son in her arms said the risks were worth it for Kurt.

Of course if Andrea knew that her body would react in such a way to the pregnancy, then maybe she would not have risked it. She felt the first bouts of sickness at the end of the first month. She was hospitalized 10 times throughout her pregnancy period and constantly nauseated. She said: “It was absolute hell, I thought I would die. I couldn’t even drink water. I lost so much weight that I looked like a skeleton”. She had to go to the hospital and was put on a drip due to dehydration. She lost almost 20 kilograms. Andrea could hardly use the toilet herself without help from someone.

Pain and suffering continued even during scramble. But as soon as Kurt was born everything was gone. “Oh my God, it was like someone turned the switch” – Andrea smiled.

Source of the image: Dailymail.