10 Parenting Rules

All parents dream of seeing their offspring grow up healthy, lucky and, of course, grateful. But not everyone happens to reach the cherished goal. Otherwise the notorious problem of fathers and children would have already disappeared. How can we raise our offspring correctly?


Here are the ten golden rules of parenting given by American psychologist Victor Cline:

1. Encourage a child’s intelligence

The first rule of education is to create the necessary environment that can improve the preschooler’s IQ for 25-30 units or, conversely, reduce it by 50-80 units (if the child’s life is monotonous, boring and deprived of joy).

2. Configure your self-esteem

Your own image, fixed in the consciousness, is an important factor while taking a decision: when choosing friends, in love, career counseling and so on…

3. Teach your child to communicate

  • To do this, you must have at least five of these components:
  • sincere love of the parents (it generates a sense of security);
  • goodwill of other adults, not only friends and relatives (it eliminates complexes);
  • visual appeal of kids, and especially of teens (clothes, manners);
  • reasonable self-confidence (everyone has a strong point);
  • good vocabulary (otherwise how will you communicate?)

4. Make sure that your child does not become a “TV-person”

Sociologists claim that preschool children spend an average of 50 hours per week in front of the screen. Doctors believe that it inhibits the development of the left hemisphere of the brain, in particular responsible for the development of speech. TV programs should be opposed by sports, music, reading, and useful house work.

5. Nurture responsibility and decency

It is not only the principle of “what is good and what is bad” but your own example as well. Do not miss the point: in adolescence, sympathy moves from the parents to peers.

6. Make Your Child Proud

Encourage your child to be proud of his/her family, to respect its traditions.

7. Live in a good environment

The friends your children will choose will have an impact on their moral norms and behavior. Therefore examine the neighbour’s child carefully, be interested in the reputation of the school in which your children go. Make sure to expand the circle of acquaintances of the child.

8. Be demanding

Children with high self-esteem, self-consciousness, and the ability to do things better than others, tend to grow up in families where they face high requirements: to maintain order in the house, to organize the time for recreation, to behave properly. But do not turn into tyrants. And remember: children will not become obedient, careful, and intelligent immediately. Your efforts will be required for many years. Be patient.

9. Encourage your child to work

To some extent, you can program the future life success of the offspring. Teach him/her to perform assigned work without coercion, help fill his/her life with interesting and necessary things. Let him/her get accustomed to overcoming difficulties and make sure that the child can do a lot.

10. Do not rush to do something for the children that they are quite capable of doing themselves

And remember: if it is you who is nearby at a difficult moment – as a friend not as a boss, the child may entrust you with the “terrible secret” and listen to your advice.