10 Reasons Why Babies Cry

It is no secret that babies cry frequently, or even too often as their parents sometimes think. A little human who has just been born is still very, very helpless. The baby cannot say if it feels unwell, and the only way to tell you about the baby’s needs is crying. Babies can whine and even cry, but in any case, it is always crying for a reason.


What’s Wrong with My Crying Baby?

Some people believe that babies should be allowed to cry. They say, it contributes to the development of lungs. Please, do not listen to those who tell such things! Believe it, your baby will have plenty of reasons to cry. And the infant does not expect at all that the mom will not come to help and will consciously say “let it cry.”

Let us define the main causes of baby’s crying.

  1. The Baby Cries Because of Hunger
  2. The most common cause of baby’s crying is hunger. In the early days and even months of life, the baby wants to eat almost constantly. To remove this reason for crying it will be enough to take the baby to the breast or to give it a bottle.

  3. Colic
  4. During the first three months of life, the baby often suffers from lasting wind and colic. This mostly happens in the evenings, and then the baby can give hour-long “concerts” driving its parents mad. Medications are not needed in this case since colic is a natural phenomenon and is not treated. Carminatives can be helpful.

  5. Dirty Diapers Irritate the Baby
  6. Urine and feces contact with the baby’s skin and cause burning and discomfort. Sometimes, to soothe your baby you just need to change a diaper or a nappy.

  7. The Baby Cries When Tired
  8. The baby’s nervous system is still not perfect, and it gets tired very easily. If the baby has got too much experience and impressions, or has not had a long enough nap during the day – crying in the evening is very probable. If the baby is tired, the only thing that can help is its mom’s or dad’s presence, rocking, and talking.

  9. The Baby Starts Crying When It’s Too Cold or Too Hot
  10. The baby will cry if it feels cold or hot. If the infant has a cold nose – hence, it is cold. The baby should be dressed warmer and covered. If the infant’s back is wet and hot – the baby is hot. Perhaps, you can eliminate the cause of crying by just undressing the baby.

  11. The Baby Needs Communication
  12. The baby may cry if it stays alone in its crib or playpen. In such a way the infant calls its mother without whom it feels lonely and abandoned. To stop this weeping is easy – just take the baby in your arms.

  13. Clothing Discomfort Makes Infants Cry
  14. Tight bands and hard seams can make your baby feel discomfort and even pain. Make sure that the seams of baby clothes are out, and the bands and the clothes are not too tight.

  15. Health Conditions
  16. A stuffy nose, a headache or a sore throat are the main causes of baby’s crying when it has caught a cold. Treat the sick infant with all means available, trying to facilitate breathing and soothe the pain.

  17. Skin Irritation
  18. The baby’s staying in wet diapers for a long time can cause diaper rash or diaper dermatitis. This physical state requires treatment. If the baby has diaper rash, leave it more often without a diaper to help its skin “breathe”. Air baths would also be useful.

  19. Weather Sensitivity in Infants
  20. Infants are very sensitive to weather. With a dramatic change of weather conditions and during magnetic storms, babies feel uncomfortable and, of course, cry.

How to Understand Why Your Baby Is Crying?

Over time, every mother will almost unmistakably determine the cause of her baby’s crying. But whatever the reason for the baby’s crying is, do not leave it without due attention and do not undermine the baby’s trust in the world. Do not be afraid to take the baby in your arms more often, it will not grow “pet” because of that. The more you give it your warmth and communication on the earlier stages of its development, the bolder and more active it will be in its desire to get acquainted with the surrounding world, and the sooner it will learn to find its own things to do. Do not be afraid of loving your children.

There is an opinion that the children, who have not received enough love in infancy, will require their parents’ attention and care in future because they do not feel confident in their love.

Source of the image: Photl.