5 Ways Your Life Will Be Better after Becoming Parents

Don’t you think it’s time to get married and start a real nuclear family with a child? In addition to happiness, you will find pain, fatigue, sleep deprivation, difficulties with self-realization, and many other unpleasant surprises. But there are at least five spheres of life that will definitely get better with the birth of a baby, so it would be a crime to keep silent about them. Therefore, here is some good news for those who reflect on whether they should possibly have children.

1. You can finally feel free to fool around

Making faces, singing songs and dancing to music as silly as you can – these are the things adult people rarely do in life. This is normal: in a sequence of identical days, full of public transportation, office troubles and household chores, you may just fail to find any time for that. But when you have a child, you can’t resist fooling around: to cheer up the kid, you will have to become the most ridiculous copy of yourself.

Kids giggle a lot when their parents crawl after them on all fours pretending to be a monster, or sing along with musical toys. Practicing such exercises regularly, you will sooner or later notice that they bring you pleasure – and very soon you will have fun every day.

2. Holidays will make sense again

Do you remember this feeling from childhood, when you are looking forward to Christmas or your birthday? You cannot even sleep, imagining how funny and cool it will be. Pre-holiday bustle, gifts, surprises, delicious food, confetti, and fireworks! When people grow up, holidays lose their charm for some reason: your birthday becomes just another day of the year, and Christmas is another occasion to lie on a couch.

When you have children, it will change: you will become responsible for the holiday magic. You will create quests and organize games, choose gifts, dress your neighbor as Santa, and buy kilos of tangerines – and all of this is very nice, when done for a small and always grateful child.

3. You finally have a daily routine

Do you procrastinate at work? Can’t you get yourself out for a run more often than once a month? Become a parent, and laziness and chaos will forever disappear from your life! Now you will go to bed when you have planned (or even earlier because the energy will go down). In the morning, you will rise with the sun.

Children are great fans of predictability: routine helps them be navigated in this insane world, so you will also have a clear daily routine. It is likely that you will go for a run more often: sports give strength and energy that are priceless for any person who has become a parent.

4. Your house will (almost) always be clean

Babies quickly begin to crawl, and then they learn to walk. For some reason, it is of fundamental importance for them to pick up everything they find on the floor and put it in their mouth. If you are used to having mess and lumber and do not wash the floors, becoming a parent will make you do the cleaning (or address a cleaning company). Of course, toddlers can still find and lick your shoes or their baby carriage wheels, but at least you will do everything possible not to have your socks scattered around the house.

5. You will learn to distinguish important tasks from unimportant ones (and delegate them!)

Parenthood puts everything in its proper place: it is obvious that no one will die if you fail to cook a three-course meal before your relatives arrive or if you don’t come up with a PhD thesis a year after your baby’s birth. You will be surprised, but many things that seemed important or necessary to you can now be overlooked.

Having children is also an excellent opportunity to learn to accept help, share some of the household chores and involve friends and relatives in solving your problems, including domestic ones. All of these skills will surely come in handy when it’s time to return to work.

A bonus: baby food is delicious!

Believe it or not, steamed broccoli with boiled chicken can become a gastronomic discovery, even for a seasoned gourmet. Try and see it for yourself, as they often say in such cases.