8 Things Only Fathers of Daughters Know

According to WoMo, when men have their first daughter, they often fail to understand anything. When their friends have children, there are boys among them. And when the second daughter is born, they finally see the difference. They realize that they have the knowledge that no boy’s dad possesses.


So, what can a girl’s dad learn?

  1. When she says “mama is beautiful and dad is scratchy”, you also want to be handsome contrary to the logic. Anyway, you want her to think so.
  2. The choice of underpants with dwarves or butterflies is a difficult and important choice each morning. Besides, if there are no pants with the needed dwarf, the whole day can be wasted.
  3. You know how to braid hair. And this knowledge happened to come by itself.
  4. You will sooner or later get nail polish on your nails. Do not resist; take it as a man. Silently. There is hardly any salvation to come.
  5. Despite average results of your school essays, you imagination to create cute names is truly bottomless.
  6. When your daughter says “Daddy” and smiles, you are ready to give her everything on earth: money, an apartment, or a car. It is nice she does not know this.
  7. When she comes to you in the morning with her blanket and hugs you with her little plump hands, you know that this love is forever.
  8. Despite years of daily observations since childhood, you still do not understand women, but what you know is that your life is meaningless without them.