What’s Forbidden for First-time Moms?

For those women who experienced their first pregnancy life has many changes in store – so much has gone on in their bodies, with all hormones running wild, and if it weren’t enough to handle, the baby is coming! Care is what the doctor ordered, so there are many things that shouldn’t even be attempted during the first four or six weeks after delivery. While you may be aware of some of them, make sure you know all!

Take It Easy With Exercising And Carrying Heavy Stuff

Understandably, right after birth can hardly be a good time to engage in strenuous workouts or activities like lifting or shifting bulky things. The body is tired from undergoing multiple processes and requires rest, which is not compatible with physical stresses that had better be avoided.
Let The Baby Get Accustomed To Being Exposed To Sound And Light
While the baby is enjoying her afternoon slumber, there is no reason to dim the lights or lower your voice. Let them grow accustomed to routine life going on as usual in their home – they will be expected to understand it and participate quite soon. But that doesn’t go for the night sleep – then turn down the lights and avoid making loud noises: the baby should learn that night is different from day.

Don’t Make Any Important Decisions

The delivery over and done with, the body’s hormone levels begin to fluctuate, thereby making the new mother go through a wide range of emotions. If there’s any need to make a decision that will shape the future significantly, it’s better to postpone it until later, when the body has healed properly and the hormone levels are stable. Hurrying to make decisions while hormones are going wild can end in regretting them quite soon afterward.

If You Are Not In The Mood For Guests, Be Frank About It

It’s understandable that your friends and family will crowd to take a look at the newborn, yet it doesn’t follow that the mother (and her partner) are always ready to receive guests. The mother could be tired out, feel bad or just want to enjoy some privacy while she can. So, she is quite within her rights to ward guests off, and they should take it in good grace, for the mother is adapting to changes and has her hands full tending to the needs of the little one and trying to get a good rest after her labors.

Don’t Hurry To Go Back To Your Adult Life

For returning to the previous lifestyle with adult pastimes the mother needs to recover fully as well. Until pains have subsided, hormone levels have stopped leaping up and down, and the body has come back to normal, active adult life should be delayed. While the processes are still in progress, it’s better to look for family joys embracing the partner and the little one. With many mothers, it’s plumb useless to plan something in this vein because they are likely to be spent by the evening and won’t want to go anywhere or see people. For some, it will be difficult, but they just have to agree on postponing grown-up pastimes with their partners.

Pee As Often As You Want

The healing body requires to be well hydrated and mothers tend to take in a lot of water – which, of course, results in wanting to go and pee oftener than usual. While peeing may hurt a little at first, it is no reason to try and stem it, and it will get better soon. Young moms can put on mesh panties and employ sitz baths to facilitate the procedure. It is advisable to concentrate on the relief and bear it for a while until comfortable feeling sets in.

Get Busy With Your Kegels

Kegels are just perfect for mothers, especially young ones. Again, starting on it may cause pain, so it shouldn’t be overdone at the beginning, but as soon as it gets comfortable, the mom would do well to persevere. It is always a useful exercise, but especially so after delivery when the body and the area, in particular, can do with some training.

Lay Off Tampons

The nether regions have only started to heal, and what they definitely don’t want is a tampon. While women got used to tampons for comfort and convenience alike, they had better be avoided for the time being because they can bring the pain. Pads will make a gentler means. The relevant area should be made clean and dry so as to assist healing, then pads can be applied and fixed with mesh panties. This is the most painless way to go about the mother’s duties without having trouble down under with something that causes unnecessary frictions.

Avoid Clothes That Are Too Tight

Women with a predilection for tightly embracing clothing (especially skirts, leggings, tights, pants, and yoga pants) will nevertheless realize that such articles are not as comfortable after the birth as they were before. The vagina and the surrounding area should not be constricted, so loose dresses are indicated as the best postnatal wear. Moms would do well to stick to wide and comfortable pants to be worn both indoor and outdoor.
Go On With Prenatal Vitamins
Mothers who are no longer prenatal may think the time for prenatal vitamins is passed, but it is just being fooled by the name. During the early postnatal period, the body will stand in need of vitamins, so they will actually come in handy. Breastfeeding mothers will find them very helpful indeed.

Stop Minding Your Female Relatives’ Advice

Older people will never run out of advice offered to those who are younger than them, and they are only too ready to shower it on the first-time mom! Family members, in-laws, and experienced friends will all have their own ideas about how to treat the newborn; mothers could be overwhelmed and yielding under the pressure. Actually, there’s no need to follow all that advice – the parent should be the main decision maker on points like whether to breastfeed, what kind of clothes the baby will wear and so on. Of course, there may be some pieces of advice that will be welcome, but no outside dictation must be allowed.

See That There Is No Extra Stress

The new mother has only two priorities: looking after the baby’s needs and resting. Other things can be thrown in, but these two must come before everything else, so if there are any stressful situations threatening to aggravate the routine, they had better be excluded. It may be easier said than done, yet at this period relaxation, healing and rest are uppermost, so any extra stress should be laid aside. Mother is stressed enough what with those changes in their bodies and family life.

Don’t Go Trying To Do Everything At Once

When offers of assistance come, they should be gratefully accepted. New moms tend to feel caring for the child is their own business not to be shared with anyone else, and involving somebody might sound like betraying the little one. In fact, with all these problems piling up, the mother needs a lot of rest, so there is nothing wrong with accepting assistance. Further on relatives and friends will be less likely to come in to help, so taking advantage of their kindness is good for the mother and not at all to be regarded as a betrayal. Assistance is really good for strengthening family bonds.

Be a mother and not a Home Superhero

If the baby is fast asleep, the best thing for the mother is to follow suit. Attempts to catch up with all the responsibilities there are could make one feel groggy, tired and sleepy when the baby wakes up and demands attention. The right thing is to be there for them rather than have all the chores attended to.