How to Motivate Your Kid to Strive for Excellence and Progress?

Children are apt to lose some (or even all of) motivation at school. Oftentimes, it may be brought about by academic difficulties, social issues, bullying, anxiety, or ADHD. Yet it doesn’t necessarily have to be the case: many a kid without a recognizable issue can still struggle with having to rustle up enough academic motivation. In this case parents are supposed to step in and help them strive for excellence.

Make children see work can be entertaining and rewarding

Students are apt to regard hard work as something grueling, debilitating, something better avoided – but that is a mindless approach. Work can bring in lots of positivity and satisfaction. To understand this kids should be taught to set desired feasible goals, shown how to tackle problematic points, and, eventually, rejoice in the tangible results they have achieved. This will help work out a different view on working as a road to success.

Celebrate effort in preference to results

The primary message is to develop a highly respectful attitude to arduous work. Children have to feel they earn respect for perseverance, doggedness, they can take pride in their staying power. They don’t have to give in before they deliberately decide to.

Grades earned effortlessly shouldn’t be extolled so much because kids haven’t put that much of themselves into the attainment.

Children should be better with explicit praise

While bare praise may sound hollow and unexciting when it is descriptive and clarified it is sure to produce a much deeper impression. Avoid fobbing kids off with noncommittal «that’s pretty good.»

As when you accentuate the fact that the kid made a point of completing their chore before sitting down to play, and you show that you appreciate the responsibility.

Work out a reasonable attitude to making mistakes

It’s presumptuous to expect to draw only best scores any time of life. Both we and our children do want to acquit ourselves in the most creditable fashion, yet we should be also able to take the rough with the smooth without driving ourselves to distraction over failings.

It is not unheard of when children need to realize they are not properly prepared to figure out what the right way to be really prepared is.

While problems require attention, opportunities and solutions are far more important

Your kids pick up their attitudes from you – so mind how you handle your problematic issues. Mind you make out problems as chances that could be turned to your advantage, thereby instilling a positive frame of mind.

Actually, any challenging situation ought to give rise to a question we should ask ourselves: «How can I react to improve the situation and set everything right?»
Striking this kind of attitude helps avoid self-pity as well as adjust yourself to productive and fruitful activity likely to end up in success.

Let your children know you also have your personal achievements on your mind

Whatever you may be engaged in, any sphere offers space for improvement. You can always develop and get better. Watching you putting yourself out attempting to gain an even better grasp on your occupation, the kids will be taking a leaf from your book.

Give the kids a sense of perspective

As children get older and begin to understand their activities from a time perspective, they need no more than a mere reminder of what they intend to achieve. As long as their aspirations are conjoined with their academic success, they will be finding their efforts rewarding.

Curb the wish to complain

The habit of complaining and disparaging your environment, people around, even the weather, means that you are not getting a steady hold on your situation. Whereas there are irritating circumstances, the idea is not to keep a watch over them but see how you can use them for your best interests. Also, it boosts your sense of responsibility (as well as teaches your kids to develop theirs).

Make your kids your partners in practicing responsibility in difficult situations, teaching them to win through.

Let your child take the lead in a situation whenever you can

Schooling for children often spells control and yet more control. This ceaseless controlling pressure gets one down easily. Too much or too little control both work as a strong put-off that makes kids lose stimulation.

As your children face homework, chores, or cleaning tasks, let them arrive at options of their own making them in control of their lives.

Discover excitement in life and rejoice in it

Excitement and enthusiasm are what we all want life to be about. If you succeed in maintaining an enthusiastic attitude to your life (whether in its rainy or shiny aspects), your kids will also be participating in the joy of living.

Show convincing examples

Motivation, being an excellent thing, is not always achieved that lightly. Sometimes it is even better to chuck the motivating stuff altogether. When compared against inspiration, motivation can seem bleaker and less potent.

Overmotivating, as well as overcontrolling, can damp the children’s spirits. Let them be driven towards their life’s goals through inspiration. This path is bound to cause the least resistance.

Don’t let the kids forget that you love them no matter what
Unconditional acceptance is very important in children’s lives because it creates the right kind of bond with the parents. Otherwise, they would be inclined to look for unconditional acceptance in their friends’ company – or in the online community. It will not only impair family ties but also distract them from learning family responsibilities.

A significant aspect of your children’s ability to pursue perfection would be their understanding that your love for them is unshakable.

Learn to cope with your fears

An exciting life is incompatible with fears and uncertainty. Show your kids that anxiety and doubts shouldn’t stand in their way to personal development. Any kinds of fears, however unimportant, should be addressed and dealt with – which will only add to life’s enjoyment.

Seeing how you fare, your kids will be fired up to play down their own fears and attempt to put them down instead of focusing on them.

Don’t conceal your concerns from the kids

You don’t have to appear invincible before your children. Let them know about the issues and concerns that are troubling you. Then share your ideas about how these issues can be tackled and how problems could be used towards personal improvement.

In due time your kids will be bound to acknowledge challenges in this life and appreciate their role in making life more stimulating and satisfying.

Listen more to understand better

Inspiration is often closely connected with hearing people out. When your kids feel like sharing with you their ideas of personal excellence, it’s worth your while to click in and imbibe the information they’re ready to impart to you. Thus you will know what makes them tick, what they’re insecure about, and what they dream to achieve.
Possessing this information, you will always know how to support and furnish encouragement whenever it is most needed.

Know your children’s primary drivers
What is the kid(s)’ strongest motivators?
What are their innermost wishes?

How can I help them realize their real interests and aspirations? What would the right questions be?
What is the child heading for?

Observe your kid(s) from a distance, like someone a little apart from you. Assume that you don’t know some things about them; start seeking information that you might be missing. Listen to them out, recognize and embrace their answers. Get them to know for what they really are.

A bottom line

Once you’ve heeded the ideas and started to make good use of them, you are sure to notice changes setting in and watch your child set on the way to excellence. You will observe them taking in life’s challenges and joys with equal enthusiasm and discover higher meaning in life!