How to Raise a Good Man?

Once the father heard his son’s prayer: “Lord, help me to be as good a man as my father.” The same night his father appealed to the Lord: “O God, help me to be the kind of a person my son wants to see…”

Boy holding a Ball

How do you picture a good person? How would you describe him/her to your son? What qualities of a good man do you need to develop in a little boy?

Today’s society is more dominated by the concepts of “successful – unsuccessful”, “sexy – non-sexy”, “cool – boring.” But the phrase “a good man” is not heard so often today.

So what does it mean to be a “good person”?

It is unlikely that the concept of “a good person” should be identified with the “ideal one”. Just there are some things you should preach to your son and remind yourself of them from time to time.

1. Always try to be kind

It’s not as easy as it sounds, especially when you feel pain. However, just at that moment you need to show your kindness most of all.

2. Do not confuse kindness and trust

Many people derive self-interest of someone’s kindness, and this is unforgivable. Do not allow anyone to practice this with you and never do that to others.

3. A firm handshake and eye contact are important

Men pay attention to this.

4. You must never hit a woman or a child under any circumstances!

By doing this at least once, you can forget about what it is to be called a man!

5. Learn to manage your money

You will not succeed without this. But do not let money control you.

6. Play team sports

You can learn a lot from the guys on the field during the game. You will understand much about friendship, man’s character, and strength of spirit. If a person lets you down during the game, he will do this in any other situation.

7. Oppose offenders

Especially if they hurt someone else.

8. Remember what you believe in

In such a way you will achieve what you strive for and will know when you are wrong.

9. For God’s sake, tell the truth

Then you will not need a good memory.

10. If someone broke your heart, do not try to do the same thing

Do not do this to someone else.

11. Friends are the greatest wealth

You will soon be able to understand who your true friend is. He will give you a drink after you experience your first triumph or get publicly defeated for the first time (yes, this will also happen one day).

12. Open doors for women

Our fathers taught us to do this, and this rule will never become obsolete. And do not let a woman walk down the dark street, even if you have just had an argument.

13. A real man always goes closer to the outer edge of the road

He does so to protect a woman, a child or an old person from passing cars. It sounds silly, but it is worth doing so.

14. Be a good son to your mother

You have no idea how much she has done for you to become who you are.

15. Never let fear prevent you from doing the right thing

Sometimes you will have to insist on your position, regardless of the circumstances. You will know when such a moment will come.

16. Remember that you live in a world where everyone has a camera in the phone

Even if you do not care that God is constantly watching you, you have to worry even about Facebook.

17. Love your wife/girlfriend

Even if you do not love your wife or girlfriend, do not allow yourself having extramarital affairs – find another way out. Be a man of honor. If you manage to live with it, you will not be able to preserve self-esteem.

18. If your child asks you to play with him/her, never say “Maybe another time”

If you do not find time for this, you will regret for the rest of your life.

19. Remember that there are no fearless people

In times of fear, we need extraordinary resistance. This day will come sooner or later. At this moment, gather all your willpower to stand up for what you believe in and for those whom you love.

20. Listen to your heart

Follow it. Do not feel sorry if it does not lead you to where you wanted. Even if it is so – it’s better than not to listen to yourself.

Remember that a kid sitting in front of the TV-set, all in chocolate and trying to paint a dog with crayons, will once grow into an adult. And when the day comes, we will want him/her to be a good person.

But it all starts with us. We can tell our sons how to act better, but in the end, they will make their own decisions on the basis of the principles we are guided by and the ones we teach them from the cradle.

If you think what kind of a man he will become one day – that’s great, that’s right. Being a good father is a difficult work, but if you succeed, the world as well as your son will be grateful to you.

Write a letter to your son and tell him how to be a good person. And most importantly, be that kind of a person. If you succeed, then he will succeed as well.