How to Raise Your Child Hard-Working and Responsible?

„Success isn’t reached with luck, but with hard work,“ said Chuck Norris, actor, producer, screenwriter, martial artist, who won numerous Karate championships, has 6 black belts and retired as undefeated champion – and it’s just a part of the list. Want your kids be as hardowrking and responsible as him?

Maybe luck does play a certain role in it, but good work put in is much, much more important. Only it will pave the way to goals, provide a brisk headway, make one feel the meaning of whatever one is doing, and finally the rewarding sense of success! Doesn’t all that make us feel so very happy? And that’s what we all want for our kids in the long-run.

When planning future success of your children, see what lessons you can give them even at earlier stages of their development.

Set your own example of working hard

There’s no avoidance of children copying their parents! They observe you and internalize your lessons of living before they can analyze them and introduce their own amendments. Don’t let them hear you decrying your job and play a coach potato in front of the screen.

Instead, let them observe you doing chores about the house, getting things done for the job, helping friends and family members.

Not talent, but hard work

When your kids bring in their little achievements, celebrate them, but not without accentuating the hard work that won them the distinctions. Pride is fine, but don’t allow it to obliterate the memory of arduous efforts that hide behind the victories.

The fact that your tween or teen scored more goals than anyone in his or her team may seem like the workings of chance or a propitious day, but we know that it couldn’t have happened without coaching, practicing, and developing relevant skills.

The unknown is never as scary as it seems

The unknown is the sphere of life that is most frightening. We often think of an unforeseeable future with misgivings – even though we know that things will hardly be that scary. Moreover, getting the better of one’s fears is highly exhilarating. You can hardly take it in that you have just gone and done it, the realization is so sweet!

Find out that scary is actually exciting and do frightening things, both physical and emotional, on a regular basis. Do it to learn that you are perfectly able to tackle problems in store for you.

Undertake to do things others are disinclined to do

This is an effective way to stand out of the crowd – while other people are trying to wriggle out of a commission for all kinds of reasons, show your willingness. Even if it is a small affair, get up and do it. Display a different, acquiescent attitude to work.

Make it your habit: think about what things you can learn to do that most people won’t.

As people will get to notice that you are a special sort of worker, your reputation will rocket, and many will grow to believe you are indispensable.

Let your kid do things differently

This is, on the contrary, not the easiest ability – but it may prove to be momentous. Learning to work hard would be more interesting if children play around with other techniques and ways to accomplish the task. It will be just great if they like the technique.

Let your kid struggle

Seeing a little kid exert himself in an attempt to climb up the gym rope or prevent his blockhouse from tumbling down, parents usually rush to help. Yet it’s the wrong thing to do in terms of teaching kids to cope with hard work. Letting them struggle on their way to achievement (or partial achievement) is a great lesson for them not to avoid exertion.

It may occur that the child is finally able to get through to the task’s end without help. Then they deserve your praise and maybe a little celebration of learning the price of success.

“I’ve always found that anything worth achieving will always have obstacles in the way and you’ve got to have that drive and determination to overcome those obstacles on route to whatever it is that you want to accomplish.”
– Chuck Norris

Help should be perceptive and judicious

On the other hand, when little ones are struggling, they are entitled to parental help. Parents will have to decide whether their interference is really necessary. For that, they must judge the balance between the child’s loss of satisfaction and increase of frustration.

As you observe that the kid’s frustration rises rapidly you should of course step in and provide support. It is even more important with older children whose perseverance might be emotionally depleting and insidious for their health. It’s up to parents to be able to read the signs.

Watching their children develop, parents should perceive the time when frustration mounts and gets the better of pleasure. Then it can become destructive and adults should interfere.

The thing to understand is it’s an ongoing process

Since this is a continuous developmental process, it’s no good for parents to behave in a too authoritative fashion. It is all right for a child not to be willing to work hard every time. Sometimes they can refuse to clean the room or clear the table, and it shouldn’t be taken as a reason for setting off a violent argument because the child is irreparably lost to labor.

There is a problem with putting the room in order? Be flexible and switch chores. Ask them to dust and polish the furniture – do something easier and change one task for two lighter tasks to keep the ball rolling. It would be even better eventually.

“I was never a natural athlete, but I paid my dues in sweat and concentration, and took the time necessary to learn karate and became a world champion.”
– Chuck Norris

Kids should be taught to be resilient

The quality of resilience is a significant one as it prevents children from breaking down. Too many children look at failure as a total disaster; the more resilient they will be, the faster they live it down.

If we show them how to be resilient they will understand that failures are merely stages on the way to success and shouldn’t diminish their readiness to carry on with the task.

Let them take small steps

Oftentimes people are mired in hesitating before they commit themselves to action. Then it is easier to pick out a small task for a starter. Think of a very simple thing to do. You may discover it was the most difficult step psychologically. Once you are in the process, everything will go faster and smoother.