Signs Your Kid Is a Genius

How would it feel to have a budding genius for a kid? An overall recognition and an ability to win more scholarships that they will ever need, then deciding which famous college to go to. So if you run any chance of parenting a future Paganini, mind you realize it well in advance. There are signs that will help you notice that your kid is a genius.

They show wonderful abilities from the very start

Prodigies reveal themselves at a surprisingly young age! Picasso was 9 when he painted not a childlike a picture. Drew Peterson was 6 when he gave his famous Carnegie Hall piano concert. Such children begin to perform like grown-ups before they enter their teens.

Marvelous prowess in generating and sharing emotions

Generally children cannot very well express their feelings or describe situations in detail owing to their poor vocabulary and insufficient experience. Now prodigies exhibit unexpected abilities in sharing their views and feelings that sound impressive and emotional, very mature.

They maintain concentration on their activity or on conversation

Children are rarely good listeners, they connot sustain concentration for a long time. We can only expect that from grown-ups. So it is gratifying albeit a bit uncanny when a young person follows the topic closely without fidgeting, losing interest and displaying other signs of fatigue.

They socialize with adults with perfect ease

Most kids don’t feel comfortable when they have to have a long talk with somebody far exceeding them in age – but little prodigies are not only at home discoursing with adults, they seem to prefer it. They maintain eye contact easily and keep the ball running at good speed and with lucidity.

Talking comes easy to them, and they pick up vocabulary with surprising rapidity

While children are bound to learn to speak into their second year, with those endowed with special abilities it sounds vastly different. They find it easy to build sentences and use metaphoric phrases, they can improvise with words.

They exhibit an idealistic outlook, yet they have a developed understanding of what is right

Also, they are observant and quick to pass comments on parents’ and other kids’ behavior and manners, accentuating their unfair deeds.

They enjoy reading and read a lot

Early proclivity to reading bespeaks of high intelligence, so if your kid passes from chapter to chapter with alacrity, it is one of advantageous signs.

Gifted children can boast quick imaginative powers

When little, Agatha Christie had a family of imaginary friends with whom she was happy to play.

Having begun to paint, they can go on for hours on end

In any activity gifted kids display a strong drive towards perfection and don’t need any incentive to practice their chosen occupation whenever they have time to spare.

They manifest a developed ability in a particular sphere

From early on, such children evince focusing on some sphere, be it music, sports, mathematics, anything. If it’s chess, they can play it well without seeming to learn, they grasp the rules while watching others play.

Making their presence felt

When you are around a specially gifted child, you feel that their presence changes the atmosphere. They often have strong vibes that many an adult would like to have developed – it comes with the gift.

Their memory capacity is incredibly great

Not only kid prodigies have an excellent memory – they can boast a very efficacious working memory. It works when we are processing incoming data and simultaneously use our memory. Mozart was able to commit music pieces to memory while he was composing in his mind.

They can feel deeply lonely at times

Since such children are heads above their peers, they find it difficult to relate to them. They cannot share their ideas and feelings with them as it should be done. That makes them odd ones apart from others.

Actually, chances are none of the above is characteristic of your dear kid. Don’t feel sad about it: a prodigy’s life has its sour moments as well as sweet ones! In case any of these symptoms can be brought to bear on your child, assist him or her to develop their abilities to their fullest; if they are ordinary kids, rejoice in that and be proud of the achievements they show and direct them towards further ones.

Prodigies are rare, but we all have something to our credit, so go on believing in your child’s special talents and give them every opportunity to grow and become full-fledged experts in their chosen sphere.