Tips for Visiting a Family with a Newborn

A visit to a newborn baby and the parents is a special event. However, you need to know some of the tips for visiting a baby not to cause any danger for the newborn and not to spoil the relations with his/her mother.

Inform about your visit

It is the preliminary agreement that will allow avoiding an uncomfortable situation in the young family.

Talk quietly

Newborns sleep most of the day. Therefore, there is a great chance to wake the baby with loud congratulations or laughter. The mother will not be happy if the baby starts to cry. It’s better to knock or report your arrival by phone rather than to ring at the door.

Do not come with viral diseases

Even with a slight runny nose or a sore throat. Do not expect a medical mask to prevent the transmission of germs to the baby. Infants may have weak immunity.

Refrain from kissing

Although you often have the desire to kiss a newborn when you see one, you should not do this without the consent of the parents. After all, touching the baby’s skin with your lips is not hygienic.

Come without children, if they were not invited

The children attending a kindergarten or a school or having many friends at playgrounds can transmit childhood illnesses. Even if they do not look infected. Such contacts will be safer for the baby after vaccination.

Mind the hygiene

Before you take the baby in your arms, be sure to wash your hands properly. Do not be offended, if the mother reminds you of this. For her, the health of the newborn baby is a top priority.

Avoid having many guests at a time

After communicating with many new people, the baby can become emotionally exhausted. Therefore, it will be difficult for him/her to fall asleep. The newborn will be capricious, so it is better to invite relatives and friends of the family separately for them to get acquainted with the baby.

Prepare a present

Toys and Gifts

A woman can be congratulated with flowers without a strong smell, and the newborn can be given a toy or clothes at the first meeting. Do not bring balloons because they have a smell that babies can fail to tolerate.

Do not give unnecessary advice

Apparently, this is the most important tip. Views on education, feeding, and tempering the baby can be different. Therefore, it will be unnecessary to impose your own opinion on the parents. It can be expressed only when you are asked directly.