Male Infertility Causes & Effective Treatment Tips

Doctors are sounding the alarm: in 50% of cases, the couple’s infertility is associated with health problems in men. But at the same time, most men are still convinced that conception issues depend only on the woman’s capability, and often refuse to receive medical consultations or therapy. explains what health problems in men can prevent conception.

A modern man traditionally has an intense rhythm of life. Having a successful career, being recognized by colleagues, being respected by friends, creating a strong family, enjoying material well-being are the challenges men deal with everywhere, no matter who they meet and whatever they talk about. Few people are aware of the real price of such visible well-being. The rapid pace of life, the frantic rhythm that it sometimes offers does not leave any time to stop and think about the most valuable thing – health, reproductive health in particular.

Who suffers from infertility more often: women or men?

Meanwhile, the medical statistics is harsh: in 50% of cases, infertility of a couple is associated with the violation of spermatogenesis (the development of male sperm cells). At the same time, few would-be fathers realize that a modern, not always correct lifestyle can disrupt the urinary system, change the structure and integrity of germ cells, and damage their DNA and RNA. Because of this, there are difficulties with egg fertilization. The main causes are as follows:

  • hypodynamia,
  • contaminated air
  • water of poor quality
  • bad habits,
  • unbalanced nutrition
  • excessive craving for junk food,
  • sports injuries.

Facing the problem of infertility or diseases of the genitourinary sphere, women immediately rush to the doctor. On the contrary, it is difficult for a man to realize and accept his “incapability”.

How lifestyle affects the quality of sperm

Spermatogenesis is the process of formation of full-fledged male germ cells (spermatozoa), which begins during puberty in adolescence and continues throughout the life of a man. Spermatogenesis takes place in several stages. In total, the process lasts up to 72-76 days, which corresponds to three calendar months.

Nowadays, the most common “enemies” of spermatogenesis are:

Stress – the appearance of anxiety and depression triggered by overwork causes a change in homeostasis or hormonal levels and affects the quality of sperm;

Bad habits – smoking reduces the amount of sperm in the ejaculant; nicotine inhibits antioxidant protection, provokes zinc deficiency; alcohol causes a metabolic disorder; the use of caffeine-based energotonics leads to the mutation of chromosomes in the genome of germ cells;

Lifestyle – hypodynamia provokes blood stagnation in the pelvic organs, and harmful electromagnetic radiation (computer monitors, smartphones, which many people prefer to wear in their pockets) also have an adverse affect on the maturation process of sperm;
Unbalanced diet – the habit of buying fast food deprives the male body of essential vitamins and minerals, thus contributing extra pounds. The higher the body mass index a man has, the lower the volume of his testicles and the worse the quality of his sperm are;

Age-related changes – with each year that passes the effects of oxidative stress increase and concomitant diseases are gradually added. This leads to abnormalities in the formation of cells and a decrease in the viability of sperm.

About the causes of infertility in men

Most often, various diseases can lead to male infertility. The most common infectious diseases with a large percentage of complications leading to male infertility are mumps and brucellosis. It is necessary to remember about the national preventive vaccination calendar and to vaccinate children at a preschool age in a timely manner so that the future man is reliably protected from these diseases since childhood.

Other common causes of male infertility include abnormalities in the reproductive system (cryptorchidism, hypospadias, varicocele, hypogonadism). For their detection and timely treatment, it is necessary to regularly visit a pediatrician and a pediatric urologist or andrologist.

In adolescence, you should especially pay attention to the child’s developing a competent and responsible attitude to health. Adolescents need to be aware of the fact that there are sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.) that can cause infertility in the future. Reliable protection against these threats depends on the protected sexual intercourse and a responsible attitude to health.

Among the causes of infertility in men, noninfectious inflammatory processes (inflammation of the prostate and ureters), diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, intoxication, injuries of the reproductive organs, testicular neoplasms (benign and malignant) and hereditary susceptibility should be pointed out. To prevent these disorders, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and undergo preventive examinations on a regular basis.

There are also a number of factors contributing to the development of male infertility. They are a kind of “trigger”, exacerbating the existing problems with the reproductive health of a man. This is primarily work in hazardous production and such factors as ionizing radiation, vibration, chemicals, or electromagnetic waves.

Diagnosis and effects

All these “enemies” lead to morphological disturbances in the structure of spermatozoa in this way or another.

Most often, doctors note the pathology of the tail, anomalies of the acrosomal region, a change in the shape of the nucleus, immature forms, a violation in the formation of the neck and body, doubling or changing the size of the head.

Such morphologically altered cells show a number of biological features that alter the speed and trajectory of movement, disrupt the acrosomal reaction, which reduces the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa or brings it down to zero. In addition, anomalies of the structure provoke a change in the genome of the cell, which can later lead to pathologies in the development of the embryo.

In order to avoid all this, it is only necessary to conduct a routine inspection at the urologist-andrologist and perform a mandatory examination program – seminal fluid analysis, or spermogram. This will help evaluate quantity, sperm activity, quality of their movement and morphology.

The positive result of planning a pregnancy for a married couple is no less dependent on the quality of health of the “would-be father”. In fact, one can get ready to become a father for the whole life. The way a boy grows and develops in childhood and gradually becomes a man plays a huge role in the development of his reproductive health. Therefore, every man who prepares for fatherhood consciously should visit the urologist at least once a year for the purpose of a routine examination.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of male infertility is carried out after a comprehensive examination of men. Laboratory diagnostics (tests of blood, urine and seminal fluid), immunological studies, diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted diseases are the most common tests. Of all the instrumental methods of research, the most informative is an ultrasound examination of the prostate gland.

The treatment method depends on the established cause of male infertility and can only be prescribed by a doctor at the reception, taking into account the attendant factors and the man’s lifestyle.

As a rule, antibiotic therapy is carried out for infectious and inflammatory diseases, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunostimulants, and physiotherapy are prescribed. With an autoimmune variant of male infertility, hormonal correction is carried out. In some cases, surgical treatment is necessary (varicocele, cryptorchidism, obturation of the tubules).

But the most important thing for a modern man is the normalization of lifestyle (work and rest mode, healthy lifestyle) and good nutrition. Modern medicine has great potential for the treatment of male infertility. Timely consultation with a specialist and correct therapy will predetermine a positive result of the treatment.

Psychological attitude

To admit the importance of caring for reproductive health means to take the first step on the way to a long-awaited change in the social role and to make a transition from a loving husband to a caring father. The main rules of preparation are: timely detection of chronic inflammatory diseases (especially in the urogenital area), compliance with the rational work and rest regime, as well as personal hygiene rules, weight control, reasonable use of baths and saunas, minimizing the time spent in traffic jams, avoiding permanent contact with electromagnetic radiation, and normalization of the psycho-emotional state.

Difficulties in conceiving a child are a serious psychological problem for a couple. Unfortunately, neither close people nor friends bother themselves with the need to be sensitive. Therefore, they are often and impolitely inquiring about when the posterity will be born. The husband and wife’s task is to resist stress and worrying. Otherwise, secondary stress will arise against the background of primary stress, complemented with disagreements between loving people and lack of mutual support. Fortunately, modern medicine treats diseases successfully and helps couples to conceive a child.

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